Carson McCready-Refuse to Drown

Dec. 7, 2015:

I don’t like going underwater.

The water closes in on me

in a claustrophobic hug

intended to be liberating

but in it I feel trapped.

I feel held down.

Quite literally, I cannot breathe.

This tight embrace

the sea longs to give me

does not make me hate it.


The sea is a playground

full of imaginative potential,

the only limit being drowning.

I refuse to drown.

I refuse to be pulled under

by hungry sea dwellers

and selfish undertows.

I will not be pulled down.

I will frolic.

As if on my own two feet,

I will prance through water

I will swim, no, glide

through this abstract blueness.

I will keep swimming

until I can no longer see land.

There is a certain point in the sea

you can swim out to

and all you can feel is fear.

Fear of sharks

Fear of where the land has gone

Fear of yourself.

I will swim past this point.

This monster called Fear

will sink like rocks thrown into the sea by children.

I will swim out into this curious abyss

with no fear and all of my strength.

My arms and legs will tire.

My throat will become sore.

But I will keep swimming.

My head will stay above water

because I am motivated by a will to live

and I refuse to drown.

Carson McCready – Misleading

I am replenished and reminded
of how much I love you
every time I jump back into the pool of your wonders.
From sin and sorrow
You turn me into a woman of grace and strength.
Once again I am unafraid
to get my hands dirty.
The grime of my past
is all washed away once I feel
the warmth of your touch
travel down my body.
I never hesitate to turn you on
Because I know you never hesitate to make me hot.
An ode to my shower.